
Friday, January 16, 2009

Just part of the reason that I think Cory is the cat's pajamas

Cory lives on a ranch. He rents out the main floor of a barn, and has horses and deer and cats and donkeys and all kinds of critters in his back yard! There are three resident llamas and one of them was pregnant. Apparently she is also really dumb because she pooped out the baby and it lay on the ground for a while before Cory's mom Rhonda (who manages the ranch) came upon it. Operation Rescue. Rhonda brought it inside the barn office. Cory ran and got his blow dryer and fresh towels. They warmed her up and brought her back to life.

Here she is eating special colostrum baby llama formula. Yes there is a product on the market to get special colostrum to baby llamas.

And here is Cory, using his new invention, "The Baby Llama Tent Chair Blow Dryer Heating Mechanism":

Her mother has abandoned her and despite attempts to reaquaint them, lil' baby is on her own. Cory and Rhonda take turns doing every-two-hour bottle feedings. He gets up in the middle of the night and feeds her and cleans her up and makes her comfy.

And here is Cory, lovin' on his little girl, who he named "Dhali Llama" and affectionately calls, "Dhali the Drama Llama":

So cute!!!


  1. OMG!! Are you sure it's not the Dolly Llama? ha ha. Tell Cory we are planning on coming to visit, I'm serious!

  2. I've never seen a baby lama before, do they spit too?

  3. Anna you took away my comment. I've never seen a baby llama before. Too cute.

  4. Oh, and Kady, read your comments on snowboarding. Karley has been waiting for a reply and seriously thinks you are going to take pitty on her and take her on your next trip.

  5. I saw Karley's comment. I just can't bring myself to feel sorry for a girl who just spent two weeks in Florida!

  6. I'm sorry but that baby Llama is not cute. It is hideously ugly in my opinion. And you are not going to take pity on Karley and take her cool places, because you won't have enough money left over from taking me to Australia.

  7. That is awesome. Now what about Cory and his cat pajamas? Hey Cory, is this what it sounds like, when doves cry?

  8. That llama is adorable.

  9. Yes,and that CORY JAMES EICHINGER is adorable TOO! I just love him he is like so cool!
