
Sunday, March 1, 2009

happiness is a napping murphy

Murphy fell asleep in my arms today during a Golden Girls marathon. He was so sick and so we stayed in all day. He started crying unexplicably and so I was all maternal and what-not and held him and wrapped him up tight in a blanket and he totes fell asleep! Then he got all sweaty and stinky after napping for an hour (and two episodes of GG) and so I blew on him and then eventually since that didn't work because I was worried that my breath stunk and so I moved him to his own little section of my sectional. Then he woke up and ate more popcorn.

Just another day in auntie-ville. I love that little bugger.


  1. I love that you have this, I wish I had more of these moments. Ahh...

  2. murphy has never been stinky after a nap... oh, wait..

    BTW: he never takes naps without being on a long bus ride or in the car, you are that good.
