
Thursday, June 18, 2009

Broke down and mowed the lawn tonight

Warning, chubby knees and 90 degree hair to follow. Tonight, June 18, marks the first time in 2009 that I have mowed my lawn.

And by the way, it takes me like 30 minutes. I have a tiny tiny postage stamp of a yard. But when I'm mowing my lawn, I spend half the time feeling like an awesome do-it-yourself homeowner, and the other half the time irritated that there isn't someone else mowing my lawn.

Shouldn't this be somebody else's responsibility? Why should I have to do it?

p.s. I feel the exact same way when I'm raking the leaves in the fall and shoveling my sidewalks in the winter.


  1. I hope you didn't wear sunscreen on those legs when you mowed.

  2. The three times I miss my ex-husband: when i take out the trash, when i mow my lawn, and my mom might read this so i can't list the last thing. Love, Jacqui

  3. Well, it does have to do with bush. . . Love, Jacqui
