
Monday, November 16, 2009

The Andes

On the flight from Buenos Aires to Santiago I was seated by the window. Normally when I make my own travel arrangements I choose the aisle, because Im just a tad claustrophobic. This puts more space in front of my face. But, this time I´m at the mercy of the travel agency and I was seated by the window. Anyway, I was just minding my own business and the flight out of Buenos Aires is a little bit brown, since the countryside is mostly farms. Imagine my surprise when I happened to wake up from a little snoozer to see this:

I couldn´t help but wonder if I was prepared to eat someone in the event of a crash.

1 comment:

  1. I believe you would be one of the ones to be eaten. You just look numby to chew on and with all that muscle you would nourish the cannibals till help came. Run Kady RUN! SKI Kady SKIIIIIIII.....
