
Saturday, December 5, 2009

Overheard at Girls' Night...

One time, a friend's friend's mom went to Europe. She didn't want to pack lots of underwear. You know, to save space. So her brilliant idea was to pack two pairs of underwear and a bunch of pads. Then just wear the pads and throw them away and keep recycling the underwear. I know.

Anyways, because she was past menopause, she hadn't worn a pad for years, and didn't realize that you need to remove the sticker to expose the adhesive backing and then stick it to your underwear. She just placed it there. And so, while on a museum walking tour, her pad of course worked its way down her leg, and out the bottom. She kicked it, hoping no one would notice. But the tour guide did, and he said, "is that your pad?". "No", she said, and then he said, "yes it is, I saw you kick it out of your pant leg."


  1. I'M SURE! If it's true that would be horribly embarrassing...if you want to save space in your suitcase you would think that underwear wouldn't be the ones to make the cut.

  2. And wouldn't pads take up same space.

  3. That's really bad...the only thing that's happened to me, even slightly as bad as that (but not nearly), is I had a spare OB (girls alone will know what that is) in my pocket while staying at the missionary home in Peru. They have plastic wrappers, which make them a bit slippery. And as I reached into my pocket to pull out my chapstick, my sleeve caught the OB, pulled it out and it fell on the floor. The missionaries and my friend and I were standing in a circle, talking, when this happened. In my head I'm going: OMG, OMG, crap!!...But my body is trying to very subtly reach down and pick it up, while keeping my eyes up, so no one else will look down to see what I'm grabbing. But, due to the slippery wrapper, every time I reach for it, it pops out of my fingers like a water balloon! It took me, like, 4 tries to finally pick it which time EVERYONE had seen what it was!
    Isn't it fun being a girl??!

  4. Why would that museum guy expose her in that way??? Was he upset that she had littered? Was he thinking it was pretty funny and felt the need to tease her?? Was he some kind of perv???

  5. I ahhhhhhh, aaaaaaahhh, ummmmmm mmmmmm. uhh, Yeeeeaah, I have nothin'.
