
Monday, January 25, 2010

Me, describing the difference between my sisters.

"I think you have Keri mixed up with Kelly. Kelly is the one with sandwiches in her bed, and cereal bowls under her bed. Keri is the one who has dogs who crap and pee all over her house, and she just wipes it with some Basic H and a paper towel."

And Keri replied:
Thank you for straightening that out. But I use Shaklee Basic G not H which is
a Germicide disenfectant, which kills every kind of germ.


  1. Clarification. Teenage Kelly. And the stories are as usual Hexum embellished.

  2. ....ummm...I did live with you into my mid twenties...and that's when I sent the email.

    remember the high rise?

    I should have mentioned, "and my subscription magazines before I got a chance to read them".

  3. So what sandwich did you find IN my bed. Was it from subway, maybe a pb and j, ham and cheese. Just curious.

  4. Why Why Why does this stuff have to come around again??

  5. Thank God I never had a sister. Love, Jacqui

  6. enjoy what you have. It's amazing.
