
Friday, February 5, 2010

The gecko.

We have no access to facebook from the computer in the lobby here at Princess Tui, due to a huge bill for bandwidth use.  Something about uploading photos.  So anyway, this is the only photo I'm going to get to upload from this computer this week.  It's a good'n though.  Check out this sucker.  Laying on my PILLOW!  Ick.  I still have four of those things looming overhead as I type this.

Today was very slow and lazy.  I'm really sick, and so I just wanted to sort of lay around all day.  I started The Thorn Birds, which is set in New Zealand at the start of the 1900's and is really good so far.  I hung out at the hotel lobby until about 2pm today.  Teri and I then walked to town and had lunch and beers at the same place from yesterday.  'Twas nice.  We sat there for two hours, and then we walked to the grocery store but it was closed and so then we got an ice cream cone at McDonald's.  A decidedly less exciting day today and yet that is exactly what I wanted from Samoa.  I'm having facebook withdrawal.  I'm hoping that Nancy or Beata was able to post our recorded song from Sunday's session?  Anyway, I'll get some photos up as soon as possible.

Hotel manager is now yelling at staffer so I gotta get out of here.  Uncomfortable.


  1. Ew, that gecko is not that cute. It's more like a snake with legs. Creepy.

  2. Did he try to save you money on your insurance. Kinda have a british accent? Did you see the cavemen too?
