
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Most Wonderful Place on Earth

Cascade Bay Water Park, Eagan MN.

$9 entrance fee (cheap!).  Tons of water slides, plenty of sun and a lazy river.  You can spend the whole day just afloatin' down the lazy river.  I remember when Murphy was a little baby boy and we'd float and float and sleep and sleep for hours.  And now he's nine years old.  Gosh.


This is the water slide you can go down right on your tube.  When Miles was a little baby boy and we were stuck in a long line at the top of this slide, he had to go pee SO bad and we kept saying wait wait wait we'll go to the bathroom, wait dude, just another minute, but he couldn't and just peed right at the top poor thing.  So yah, there's probably a high pee content at this place.

Pete, geared up for the hot hot hot weather in jeans and cowboy boots:

I love Miles' face in this one:

The only thing I might change is how they don't let you float and float and float while drinking beer.


  1. The thing I'd change is banning old fat ladies from getting caught in others' pictures.

  2. ooh baby, who is the gal in the purple pareo?

  3. Also, I am imagining you all looking for her....kinda like "where is Waldo?"

  4. I found her next to Pete. What is the prize?
