
Monday, May 7, 2012

"Mother Mary Blessed Ever-Virgin"

I love guest posts from my mom and her wicked childhood!  Please enjoy these two fabulous stories about her being a horrible sleepover guest:

We had 7 children in our family and my mother was very clean but not able to have many nice things. What we did have was nice to us but did not compare to what other people had in their homes, so it was nice to go visiting to see how they lived. One time when we lived in Bemidji I got invited to spend the night with a friend from school. It was very exciting to go because she was an only child. She had everything: her own room and everything in it was all pink and matchy-matchy. So we put on our pjs and hung out with no little brothers to bother us. She had a little pink suitcase with a filing system inside to store all her 45's, so we played all of them and yes, we sang into our brushes at the top of our lungs. In the middle of the night I got up to go to the bathroom but was afraid to turn on any lights so I went in the dark. I had to go bad so I pulled down my pants and sat. And peed. In that split-second, I realized I forgot to lift the lid and I was peeing on the lid. But it wasn't just the was covered in a pink and white chenille toilet seat cover. OH NOOOOOOO!!!! Needless to say, I was horribly embarrassed. I know they must have found out somehow, I don't was not discussed. I don't think I got asked back.

Then we moved to International Falls and I got invited to a really fun girl's house. They had 2 girls and so my little sister got to come too. We played Mother Mary Blessed Ever-Virgin. We put our white slips over our hair and knelt beatifically while we sang Catholic chants at the top of our lungs. That was  not fun for very we made tents and pretty much trashed the room. We all four slept in the same double bed. This time I had to go to the bathroom again but what can I say? I laid there and peed the bed. WHYYYYY??? But, what luck! My sister was lying next to me and she got all wet. So I blamed the whole thing on her and got very very mad at her for getting it all over me. I apologized for her to the mother and she comforted my sister and told her not to worry about it. I told my sister I would never bring her with me again on a sleepover. And I never let her forget it, either.

The Accuser (left) and the Accused (right)


  1. I see you believe in confession, too.

  2. I am the aforementioned "other sister". I will say I forgot about this until now. I am taking this as a confession. Shame on you!
    Love Auntie Cheryl

  3. Now I guess we better understand some of Kady's dumb decisions.

  4. I just don't see how I could have taken this to my grave. Mea Culpa, Mea Culpa, Mea Maxima Culpa.

    Translation: Through my fault, throught my fault, through my most grievous fault.

    Bless me for I have sinned, may I now rest in peace.

  5. Good thing you didn't die yesterday. Maybe atonement is in order.

    The victim, Auntie Cheryl

  6. These things must run in families Grandma because that time Miles and I were sleeping in your upstairs and he wet the bed, it was really me.

  7. OMG Hanna I seriously LOL'd on that one.
