
Monday, February 18, 2013


I'm so sad to be leaving my parents' place on Thursday! When I'm not laying on the couch or eating or drinking wine or cross-country skiing I'm shoveling snow (well, just the once). But my dad didn't have his boots on and we came home to a drift across the walkway that we couldn't pass.

This is like 50 pounds of snow.

The big news is I start work in Minneapolis on March 11th. But I'm taking a much needed vacation to Puerto Rico in between (all this hard work). So I'm heading to the big city this week! Now, how many more mom-cooked meals is that? 40? 41?


  1. Your #1 Fan (Lisa) said...

    Now that's a shovel! Or Wheel-less wheelbarrow?

  2. You may need to use our snow scoop to get into the garage. Good thing you practiced.

  3. How many times a day do you eat???
