
Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I fell in love with Japan almost immediately and I still haven't figured out if it was because I had just come from India which makes Japan seem even cleaner, and more sanitary, and more polite. Do you know why the Japanese wear surgical masks? Not because they're afraid of getting sick. But because they're sick and they're afraid of getting YOU sick. Lovely people.
But this? This takes it too far:
It took me three stores to figure out that these cloth bags go over your head so when you try on clothes you don't get make up on them.


  1. Probably got started when the Geisha's kept getting white stuff on everything.

  2. Aren't Japanese people the best? :) I say that because I'm Japanese.

  3. I can't get over how considerate this is! I was hesitant for my upcoming Japan trip, but now I know it's going to be okay.

  4. Hah never knew that about the masks! I always thought they must think our country is disgusting and full of pollution or something :D You learn something every day, how nice of them! Can't say the same for the non-Japanese people who cough in your face on the train lol
