
Thursday, May 2, 2013

They Call Me Curly

I got to go curling on Friday for a work function. Very fun. Very very fun. It's kind of hard to get the hang of, actually. You put your left foot on a "slider" and your right foot on the starter and then SHOVE OFF! And try to get your rock in the bullseye. The end.
One of my coworkers is a competitive curler. So she gave us lots of tips and told me when to sweep sweep sweep and when not to sweep. (I might be a hyper over-sweeper.)

There are hazards to curling with coworkers. In fact it's not all it's cracked up to be:

I don't usually let any buttcrack upstage ME...



  1. And what was that comment at the meeting that you thought was so funny? Something about 'not getting caught with your pants down'?

  2. This is why, when sitting at a red light with Mark and Katie last night, and behind a motorcyclist who's passenger on back has their butt crack showing, I say..."Kady would have this on her blog tomorrow if she were here".
