
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Present Time!

Parents and smart phones. Something's not quite right. I say: Bring a little nostalgia into the picture!! 

eBay: search for "retro handset smartphone". Now she can put the dumb phone in her purse and talk like a NORMAL PERSON on her headset. (She had been getting a little too "Real Housewives" for my taste...always putting people on speaker and holding the phone in front of her mouth.)

p.s. Extra favorite daughter points for matching the headset to the phone.


  1. Hilarious!!!! Are you serious? Going to look at eBay right now.

  2. $7.95! "Red Celebrity Handset"!! There was a pic of Lenny Kravitz using one!

  3. Lisa (#1 fan) said...
    Have been wondering if I should get an Iphone..this just sealed the deal! Thanks for keeping informed. And thanks Kerry for letting me know ebay has them. Love this blog!

  4. Kerry: cheap! Get one!

    Awwwww thanks Lisa! You're going to be so cool with a retro handset! I'm picturing the phone in your purse, the handset to your ear. People will be like, HUH?

    Too bad I can't get some sort of commission...

  5. Lisa said...
    Right? You should get a commission. Just ordered one. Now I just have to go get the phone. Kindof putting the cart before horse huh? ha!
