
Friday, February 21, 2014

Giving Up on my Dreams

On November 23rd, I was feeling nostalgic for those times as a kid when we'd make plants out of other plants! or seeds! and sometimes there were milk cartons! and so I stuck some toothpicks into an avocado pit, and hovered it over some water in a jar (we haven't talked about me and my jars yet. Oh well, that's another story) and dreamed of the crack and sprout that would happen in six short weeks if I could just be patient. PATIENT! It was gonna be so worth it. I set up the little pit in the sunniest place in my apartment and changed the water religiously. I sang to it. (I mean, I didn't really sing "to it" but I'm constantly singing so it should have heard me, you know?) I hired a housesitter to take care of it while I was on my vacation. I'm not kidding.

Well, yesterday, after almost three months of this crap I realized I'm never going to be happy and that all dreams are futile and what's the point of living anyway and then I deep-sixed the whole thing.

We could have been so happy.


  1. would you like a spider plant? I have a few new ones started.... I would love to thin out this jungle. You would be doing me a favor. Yes, I have issues.

  2. a) I've done the same thing with those damn avacados... only when I give up I keep the corpse for another few (24) months to "dry them out" with intentions of revival. Then I find them and get further depressed and throw them out... I've done variations of this cycle most of my adult life.

    b) I have a jar hoarding problem too.

  3. You think that's a dream crusher? Try being a Dallas Cowboy fan in the Tony Romo era.

  4. It seems to me that you may have just added a verse to Langston Hughes' poem Dream Deferred. Either way it sounds like both you and Langston had a shitty day/week/month/season. Keep you chin up. Ok?

  5. dbs OH I will. And I will be victorious over the next avocado pit, mark my words.

    Chris. YES I want a spider plant. And that other weedy viney plant that everybody has with the wider heart shaped leaves.
