
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Feeling like a Nomad Again...and the story of my old bedroom

* Yes that is a zumba box, clothes, a journal and my laptop on my bed. So?  Oh, and this is funny: as I was scanning my room to look for dirty underwear so it wouldn't show up in the photo and trying to exclude that bra you see on the left, I noticed the reflection in the window was me in my underwear.  Glad I saw that before I published.

We packed up all my bedding for the cabin and so now I'm using my sleeping bag.  I am leaving International Falls on Friday, so I am trying to get ready to go, except it's confusing because I still have two weeks in fall weather, but I need to pack for summer weather.  My room was a series of confusing piles:

1)  Give to Hanna
2)  Bring with on trip
3)  Store
4)  Garbage
5)  Put in one of the other four piles
6)  What should I do with this thing?
7)  Dirty sock
8)  Old purse

Well I got sick of that and so I put all the piles into my cupboard dresser that my mom had built for me when I was 13.  Please notice that all the cubboard doors open 'down' so that a 13 year old can't leave them hanging open all the time to irritate her mom.  Can I just mention that it was the bane of my existence then and it is the bane of my existence now?  How many minutes do YOU spend staring at your clothes, trying to decide what to wear?  Try doing it kneeling down with a cupboard door on your head.

Also notice the Eat, Pray, Love poster I hung with tape to be ironic but nobody got to see it so where's the irony in that?

Upside about this room: it's just my size!

Downside: lots of bumping your head on the ceiling.

This is the vent in the floor.  My room was freezing (in 1990) and so my dad cut a hole in the floor to create a down draft for me.  But it also created a great spying tool, since it overlooks the entryway and is in perfect hearing range of the kitchen, i.e. the 'kids-punishment-discussing-quarters'.

*There's that pesky bra again.  oops.

When it was new and fresh cut (in 1990), there was plenty of sawdust that you could slowly blow on so that it would fall down onto the heads of company and then you could giggle at how funny you were.

I stupidly decided to put my underwear (in 2010) in the upper left compartment of the cupboard wall, directly above the vent.  So after a shower, naked, standing over the vent looking for underwear was uncomfortable, especially if somebody came in the front door unexpectedly.  Then it was all about jumping out of the way in case they looked up.

So anyways, I go to the cabin for the weekend, and then it's to Minneapolis for a week, Hutchinson for a couple days and then I fly out October 5th.  Sayonara USA for 8 months!

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