
Monday, September 20, 2010

Roller Girlz

Hanna and I had a blast at the Roller Derby in Fort Frances.  I think my roller name should be "Slap-a-Ho", though Hanna thinks it should be "Scratchy Butt".  In the end, I condeded to "Wimpy."

Y'all should check it out.  It's pretty fun!  And, slightly dangerous.  If you haven't seen Whip It, (Drew Barrymore's directorial debut), put it in your Netflix Queue, now.


  1. I think your name should be "Bust a zit". And although I liked Whip It, I most identified with the Kristin Wiig character when she said "if my kid ever lied to me the way you have lied to your parents, he wouldn't have legs to run away." Are you listening, Willow and River??????? Love, Jacqui

  2. Are you the one with the square butt and black and blue striped tights?

  3. My thighs have never been that skinny and you know it, Anonymous.
