
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Speaking of Pickled Pig Lips...

The story of the Pickled Pig Lips reminded me of my mom.  Apparently it reminded her of me too, given her comment to that post:

Anonymous Mom said...
That is the second time your lips touched those kind of lips.
September 12, 2011 1:05 PM

She loves that one.  When we were growing up, if Kasey or I ever got lippy (pun intended), my mom would yell at us:

"You just remember what that mouth grazed while you were being born."

Me and me marm.

Now THAT'S good parenting!


  1. I hated when she threw that one in my face "no pun intended".

    Looking back though I think I deserved it. "Eeww Mom you're drinking from MY cup" "that's MY ice cream cone".

  2. Oh and I remember the saying as "just remember what your lips kissed on the way out".

    I remember the first time I heard it, having to think about it for a second and then.... eeewwww Mom.

  3. You guys need to have some babies.

  4. Diane, you know very well Kady and I can't HAVE babies. Thanks for rubbing it in.

  5. I know Kelly! I didn't get it at first either. I think part of mom's schtick was loving that moment where we didn't get it...and then we got it. And then freaked out.

    Summer, we talked about this. And agreed that since your eggs are know what, let's take this offline.

  6. I'm sorry, Dianne. I meant "Dianne".

  7. Again, the bleach!!! for my brain!!! And I had two c-sections, so when my kids ask me how they got out of my stomach, I can actually show them!
