
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday Favorites: Becks and Hex

New to A Lady Reveals Nothing?  You've missed SO MUCH.  Not to worry.  Every Sunday, I dig through the archives to repost an old favorite.  Mostly because I'm too lazy to come up with new content every single day.  Enjoy!  This story first appeared on July 10, 2011:

Becks...more like Hex

Well, it seems that Victoria Beckham has had her baby girl. Just prior, her husband David "secretly" took this professional, gorgeous photo of her looking extremely great while pregnant. I have my doubts about the spontaneity of the photo, but that's not the point of the story.

Posh Belly

*David always texts me photos of the kids, its adorable. (I ripped it from E!'s website.)

Sorta reminds me of somebody I know:
Pot Belly


  1. Got to see dad last weekend. I hold dear his signature jean stains just above the knee. As long as I can remember his jeans have always looked that way. Boogers and animal innards. The jeans of a real man.

  2. See also:
