
Monday, April 23, 2012

I Thought I'd Try My Hand at a Link Roundup...

Me and Shash.  Internetting.

My buddy Shash inspired me to try my hand at my own link roundup and here you go.  I'm not as good at the internet as she is, but I spend an inordinate amount of time on it and thought I would try to bring you some faves of mine this week:

Well that's it.  The entire internet for you.  The End.


  1. Love the bag, love the monsters, suffered the problems, heard the speakers, etc, etc, etc. Good job, can't wait till I can be a link. Working on my hair history.

  2. Hey glad you liked the monsters on thrift store paintings!

  3. Jeez, no wonder the line for the toilet is so long!

  4. Okay, Kady, I've got an embarrassing one for you. I was driving down the street with my new daughter-in-law. The guy approaching me was way over on my side, so I said (brilliantly, by the way), "Mister, couldn't you give me just one more inch?" Totally pretended like I had not said anything out of line...Totally proper Auntie Betsy
