
Monday, October 7, 2013

Shash-age Links

Well he lost his real nose in an accident so China glued a fake nose to his forehead and let it grow for a while. At first I thought China was trying to convince me that this extra nose just spontaneously grew on his forehead after a terrible car accident and that's why you always have to READ the article accompanying the horrifying photo.

Did you know Nirvana's In Utero album was recorded in Minnesota? Here's the letter Steve Albini wrote to convince them. I sort of know a guy who bought all the recording equipment from Pachyderm Studios and has a studio of his own but that's pretty neat-o huh? Oh and here's Steve Albini being interviewed by Lil' Bub. Yes, the cat.

I love this tumblr blog with quotes inspired by Wes Anderson movies set against bible pictures. (Thanks Shash!) How about the same concept, except with Arrested Development quotes?

I've only read two of David Bowie's Top 100 Books List. (A People's History of the United States and In Cold Blood.) Now who was just the other day telling me about The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea? I guess I'll read that next. And then I'm basically 3% David Bowie.

Not one, but two friends sent me this hilarious meme of Scarlet Johansson falling down. That's how you know it's funny. (Thanks Shash and Ma). And you know what? lotsa people hated the whole album, but I actually really did like her version of Tom Wait's 'Falling Down'.


Sweet video of a dude complaining about being ticketed for not riding in the bike lane in New York City. Problem's not that safe to ride in the bike lane in New York City.


  1. Even though I knew what would happen every single time. FYI: I'm really good at that. I giggled every single time. I love the length he went to prove his point.

  2. Yah -- didn't you once open your door on a bicyclist? haha you idiot
