This embarrassing story just popped into my head today:
When I was in high school I worked at the local chiropractor's office as a massage therapist. I had some really nice clients from Indiana who had a cabin in Canada. The woman had severe fibromyalgia and came to see me for two-hour sessions a couple of times per week. Her husband also came in for ear candling appointments. They were so cool, and I loved them. Great clients. Anyways, the woman asked me if I would please get a robe for the massage room, in case she ever needed to use the restroom and didn't want to completely get dressed. She could just throw the robe on and walk over to the restroom. So, I went to KMart and purchased something similar to this:

Why in the heck did I buy that thing? It goes over the head, is unflattering, and is not a robe at all. One would find it easier to get dressed in their clothes than to try to wrestle this ugly thing on. Every time I think of this story, I get incredibly embarrassed. And I think of it often.
If I only had a time machine...
Did she ever use it? Kady, tell the story about the old guy from Canada and the thing on his back you claimed you never noticed. Kelly said.
You're welcome Kelly.
p.s. I think she used it once and it was embarrassing for both of us.
maybe your parents need the time machine. ZING!!!!!!!!!!!! POW!!!!!!!!!!! WHAM!!!!!!!!!!!!! ZIP!!!!!!!!!!!ZOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PIMP!!!!!!!!!!!! LLLLLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! gotcha baby. Who loves ya BABY! have a tootsie roll BABy. MY name ryhmes with hoejack baby. If you need help with the riddle i don't i will leave you once again. signed-- anonymous.
Dear blogger, we were informed today that a certain smhock that had not been paid for was located on your blog. our security files also confirm this. If your would like to return it to a blue light isle, we will drop all the charges against you. Kmart security.
Kady you are a tortured soul.
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