There just aren't many pictures of me as a kid. I'm SO glad whoever took this picture had a camera at that exact moment, because I LOVE this picture. (This is a picture I took with my camera of the framed pic, so it's much clearer in the frame, but you get the idea.) My dad bred dogs and we always had puppies and Kasey and I played with them all the time until they weren't cute puppies anymore.
I put my Raggity Ann doll in the kennel with a dog so it would have a crib (the kennel was on stilts). Surprise, surprise, the dog ripped it apart. Summation: we were pretty trashy.
When I was a little kid my mom showed me that picture and asked me who it was, she obviously thought I would say it was me from the way she stood there all expectantly and ready to tell me I was wrong but despite what everyone apparently thought I'm not that stupid so I said I didn't know, so everyone was dissapointed and kept bugging me to just guess so I finally said it was me because that's what she wanted me to say and then she was so triumphant, no that's not you that Kady. You're the stupidest little girl on earth, I am so proud of myself for outwitting you, ha ha ha! Whatever, I was sick of guessing.
O Hanna you are a tortured soul.
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