When this little girl was 4 or maybe 5, we were up at Boundary Waters. They only have a plastic seat in the woods with no house around it for the bathroom. You have to walk a ways to get to it, and it's just this seat on top of a big crap hole. Well it's kind of a production to get up there. You gotta bring toilet paper, you gotta find somebody to go with (cuz you would never go alone, right?), and then you gotta undo belts and pants and pull down and hold the toilet paper and not put it on the ground because ew! So I take my cute little blondie niece Hanna up to the bathroom and I wait until she goes. I ask her, "Hanna, sometimes don't you wish you were a boy? I mean, then this whole 'peeing-in-the-woods' thing would be much easier, huh?"
Without even hesitating, she says:
"But what about the pretty-ness? And the valuable rings?"
prettiness is a word, my word verification however: exurofsd, is not.
i was just looking at this and the picture changed! word verification this time: icachna
yah i think i already posted the other one on an earlier post, so wanted to "switch it up".
and yes, I know prettiness is a word, but I wanted to emphasize that she did not.
I knew it was a word or I would not have said it. My word verification is looser, that is Kady because she has to tell dumb stories about me on her blog.
Kasey, you must tell the Hanna story when you are loving holding her and saying sweat things to her and I won't ruin her response. It is a story that should be on your blog.
Kady I thought of another story for your blog. The one where mom and Kasey are having a fight in another room and Kasey is accusing mom of you being her favorite.
Isn't that girl the most beautiful thing ever? And, no, Keri, I don't mean the dog.
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